jangan tengok gambar ni ekkk.. gambar macaron ni memang tak jadi.. hahaha.. bukan salah resipi tapi salah tukang ikut resipi iaitu mamazieza.. hahaha...
Atas permintaan Nieza ni mama tempek resipi Macaron yang mama gunakan utk semua percubaan mama... kalau nak tengok gambar step by step pergi kat sini ekkk http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=5649102889111606402. Mama suka cuba resipi yang ni.. sebab takde guna air gula atau pun thermometer..
Nieza buat pastu hantar kat mama di penang ni ek.. hehehe
1 room temperatured egg white(39-40g)
50g icing sugar
30g ground almond
30g castor sugar
1/2 teaspoon of colouring in powder (you could also use cacao powder or matcha powder, ground coffee in this recipe)
1. Put ground almond and icing sugar along with the ground coffee in a food processor or a small blender. Blend them finely.
2. Sift the blended mixture and set aside
3. With an electric beater, Beat the egg white, start from low speed and increase slowly to maximum speed. Beat until frothy (you will see lots of fine bubbles
4. Now it's the time to add in the castor sugar, add half of the sugar, continue to beat in maximum speed for around 2 minutes, add in the othe half, continue until you get very stiff peak.
5. Mix the dry ingrediants into the eggwhites. This process is called Macaronage. Start folding with a rubber spatula. When you get smooth shiny mixture, stop folding, lift the mixture with spatula, if the mixture falls back slowly in the bolw means you're good to go. You could also check if the lines formed from the liften mixture, they should slowly disappear in within 30 seconds. At this stage you're good to go. Do not over fold, it will be too liquid and becoming very hard to pipe.